
Remnant International

About us

We are an organization of leaders and their respective congregations or ministries, seeking the growth and development of the local faith communities and missions they serve. We seek to inspire and encourage leaders who sense a deeper call to renewal and new ministry development.
    Our mission is to accomplish these goals through mutual cooperation and extensive scripture education that brings light to the Nations and Geulah to Israel.
    Why “Remnant”?  We are comprised of Jews coming from the Diaspora and believers from all the nations who decided to embrace the Jewish roots of the Biblical Faith with a common yearning to spread the truth of the Torah and Faith in the Jewish Messiah. 


The Remnant International Leadership is composed of experienced leaders from all over the World who will help you to reach higher theological levels.
ונשא נס לגוים ואסף נדחי ישראל ונפצות יהודה יקבץ מארבע כנפות הארץ
ישעיהו יא:יב


©Remnant International 2021 / All rights reserved - Website developed by: Power Extreme

ואשמע את קול אדני אמר את מי אשלח ומי ילך לנו ואמר הנני שלחני.
ישעיהו ו:ח

שארית ישראל